Тhe Aksakov Memorial House (Ufa)
All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature Named after M. I. Rudomino
Museum-Reserve Muranovo named after F. Tyutchev
The State Lermontov Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany”
Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts named after I. Mashkov
The Novgorod State Integrated Museum-Reserve
The Union of Museums of Russia
The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia
The National A.S. Pushkin Museum
The State A.S. Pushkin Museum
Children and Youth Centre “Salyam” (Ufa, Bashkortostan)
The State Art Museum named M.V. Nesterov
M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
Ulyanovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S.T. Aksakov
Moscow Regional State Research Library named after N.K. Krupskaya
Cultural Centre “Elizaveta Mamontova”
The State University of Land Use Planning
Children’s School of Arts No. 17 (Moscow)
Abramtsevo Artistic and Industrial College named after Viktor Vasnetsov
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
Children’s School of Arts named after Savva Mamontov
Yelabuga State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
